Join us for the 19th Annual Holy Smokes Fundraiser BBQ on Thursday, August 29, 2024! Purchase tickets today, or become a sponsor.
Holiday, Mission Moments

Neal and Megan

Megan is from Madison, Wisc. while Neal comes from New York City. Both are currently juniors at Creighton University. Neal says that he started volunteering at the center back in 2019 and just recently started bringing friends with him in the fall of 2021. That’s when Megan started to join. “I started coming this year because of Neal. He told me about how fun and easy it was and I figured why not give it a shot?”. The two friends regularly volunteer at the food pantry, coming almost every Saturday and sometimes during the week. When asked about why they keep coming back to the center, Neal and Megan said, “It’s better for myself and those around me if I just do my part.”, and “When I started coming here, I met some of the Fresh Starts and heard their stories and where they come from. Volunteering is a way to get off of campus and see a side of Omaha that I don’t normally get to see”.