Start Job Training

The Heart Ministry Center’s Fresh Start Program is a holistic, intensive human resource training program that moves participants through a highly intimate experience for 15-20 weeks, addressing both the person and the worker. From mental and physical health, money and household management, workplace communication, job skills and more, participants transition through personal development, job preparation and placement, and even beyond the first six months of employment and independent living. Fresh Start does exactly what it says – allowing participants to achieve a fresh start in life, achieving and sustaining self-sufficiency. 

A significant moment at each Fresh Start graduation includes ringing the bell to signify both an accomplishment achieved and readiness to take a new step in life.

Contact the Program Director

Rayna Pollock
A Way Forward Director

More than 150 women and men have graduated from our Fresh Start Program.

“The Heart Ministry Center believed in me and gave me stability, the ability to make sound decisions, and the capacity to love myself and people again.”

Jessie Green, 2017 Fresh Start graduate

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