Join us for the 19th Annual Holy Smokes Fundraiser BBQ on Thursday, August 29, 2024! Purchase tickets today, or become a sponsor.

Frank Russ

Driven to succeed.

A 2022 graduate of the Heart Ministry Center Fresh Start program, Frank Russ turned his life around.

“I had to trust in God and let go of all the negativity. Then positives just started overflowing in my life,” he said. “I am reaping the promises of my sobriety now and through Heart Ministry Center, I have friends who tell me good things. I didn’t used to have friends. If you  surround yourself with the positive, you can’t lose!”

Frank is the facilities specialist at Heart Ministry Center. At our Community Day this fall, he was surprised with a new car donated by Baxter Auto Center. Here he is with Mark Dahir, chief executive officer of Heart Ministry Center.